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Mindfully Lit  started at the time of WAR, and partly because of it. It's our purpose to help people affected. We donate % from all the sales to Ukrainian charities and are building an online wellness "library" of meditations, guides and journals in Ukrainian, free to access for those affected by war.

Our first chosen charity is Misto Dobra (City of Goodness) 


It's a mother and child shelter situated Southwest of Ukraine


"Since the beginning of war,  missile attacks been launched all over Ukraine. Dozens of Ukrainian cities and towns are being  bombed and shelled with all kinds of weapons. Shells hit children’s hospitals, kindergartens, schools, homes. Peaceful people are hiding in basements, subways, and bomb shelters.


Our Foundation cannot and will not stand aside.We now accept women with children and the elderly from all over the country at our center. The capacity of our building has already been surpassed, but people keep coming and we can’t reject them. We accept families with pets without any restrictions, settle them, feed them, give them medical care and try to make this time a little less traumatic for the little ones.


That’s why we URGENTLY need your help and support! At an emergency pace, we are completing the construction of the second building of the center, which will allow us to accommodate another 100 people. This requires funds and building materials. There is also a constant need for food, medicine, hygiene items, bedding, blankets, pillows, baby food, and clothing.


In addition, the Foundation supports children’s hospitals and poor families across the country. Thousands of children with difficult diagnoses were left alone with their plight during wartime. And hospitals need the essentials – clean water, food, and medicine.We appeal to everyone who cares – lend a helping hand to Ukraine".

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